EVOS: A Community Reward System
Derived from evaluation, evolution, evidence.
To support the implementation of the KudoFuel Mutual Credit System a community recognition system runs in parallel. It is intended to provide the due diligence required to make more accurate predictors of future value contributions to the network by participants based on their historical contributions beyond just those of an economic nature.
Supportive Feedback
Evos measures more than just a simple ‘good’ or ‘bad’ binary record of contribution. It provides opportunities for platform participants to share nuance beyond personal feedback which can be seen as coming from an egocentric place. Specific, informational, feedback can provide participants with avenues to address the scores they are given so they can improve their Evos rating and the permissions it is related to including platform governance and KudoFuel credit limits.
Holistic, community-wide Evos
By providing all platform users with the opportunity to use Evos, instead of the more typical one-sided customer to engineer rating, we hope to support a more rounded experience for all platform users. CSEs will be able to provide feedback about clients and Users and vice versa. This is designed to engender understanding, resilience and greater success of our shared endeavour.
Cumulative ratings are where Evos offers the best view of a CSE’s contribution beyond the financial. As more feedback is provided a more holistic and useful level of data is provided to the CSE and Participant Supporter so they can see, from an external perspective, how their contributions are being valued by the community around them.
Collective feedback
Evos will provide all platform users with a chance to provide qualitative, specific feedback by answering questions rather than only offering a free form text-based response. Open feedback systems often encourage banal responses which are either uninformative or are hedged by an’ unwillingness to criticise each other. We hope to encourage Weaverly’s platform users to provide useful, actionable feedback to each other, so the community supports each other in an upward spiral of collective coherence.
Evos Duration
Evos are real-time, so as each platform user provides feedback for each other their Evo record will update on their dashboard. Evos will work in conjunction with CSE’s personal roadmaps. Aggregated Evo scores will be visible to all users to demonstrate the overall platform standing.
The preceding one month of Evos feedback will be used to provide permissions to CSEs on the platform.
Client User Evos Data
Client User Evos feedback will not be publicly visible. It will be for internal reference only. We are intentionally choosing to make it transparent that CSEs will have the opportunity to provide feedback on their interaction with a User. We will provide a safe environment for all platform users. Knowing accountability is factored into the Peer-to-Peer smart contracts facilitated by Weaverly will help to achieve this. All personal data collected by Weaverly will be available upon request.
Evos platform permissions
Weaverly platform permissions are enabled for a period of one month based upon the Evos feedback of the preceding month. These timed permissions are intended to encourage consistent adherence to platform agreements and also collaborative patterns. Recovery of uncharacteristic Evos performance will be facilitated, the system will be supportive.
Participant Supporter Contributions
Non-technical contributions to the platform by Participant Supporters will be recognised through the Evos feedback system. Contributions of a non-technical nature are valued by Weaver Networks and will be rewarded. More will be announced about this in the future.
CSE Platform Permission Recovery
An algorithm will be utilised to create guidance reports of Evos feedback to assist those who’s Evos feedback falls outside of their usual score over the previous two months. We recognise that everyone can have a bad day, this algorithm is designed to temper occasional short periods of uncharacteristic performance that are not reflective of a CSE’s overall contribution and effort. It is intended to facilitate the swift recovery of Evos and prevent a subsequent loss of platform permissions.
Evos are awarded across many domains including customer service, contribution to knowledge articles, and non-technical contributions including governance, community building and peer support.
Weighted Multi-Vector Analysis
Multi-Vector Analysis of the domains will be used within the Evos system to express the values that platform users are measured against. All platform users will be given the opportunity to influence the type and weight of the domains within the analysis. The use of this evaluation method is intended to be more reflective of what’s important to the actual users, rather than its builders.
CSE Community Mentors and Knowledge Experts
CSEs can provide deeper context and support for each other than remote management structures. Rather than imposing education, skills and feedback from above, the Multi-Vector Analysis, in combination with Mentor MetaTags and Personalised Roadmaps, allows CSEs to discover their own experts and community of mentors. These CSE Community Mentors can provide knowledge that is appropriate to the context in a supportive and considerate manner. Assisting each other to achieve their goals we hope to support the resilience of the CSE team. CSE Mentors are recognised for their contribution by being awarded Evos.
The Evos earned from mentoring, like in other circumstances, affects platform permission limits - the more Evos a CSE has the more platform permissions they are afforded.
‘Study’ Groups, led by CSE Community Mentors are planned to share knowledge, assist onboarding and support sensemaking around value and domain definition. MetaTags will be used to help CSEs to discover each other and mentors.
Evos and KudoFuel Mutual Credit
KudoFuel limits are influenced by a variety of factors including Evos, average KudoFuel earnings and transactions. To encourage adoption, when KudoFuel is shared with non-platform users the receiver is required to complete an Evos feedback form relating to KudoFuel issuer when they use it. This feedback is reflected in Evos ratings which affects KudoFuel limits.
Last updated